The production technical conditions and technical and economic indicators of some major cyanide gold extraction plants abroad are listed in the table below. Among these factories, Pueblo, which processes 7260 tons of ore daily, loves Landsland, which treats ore at 6000t, and Atlanta and Gusberg, which process ore below 500t. In these stirred cyanide plants, due to the nature and structural differences of the ore, the NaCN content in the slurry is between 0.025% and 0.15%, and the NaCN consumption per ton of ore is between 0.5 and 1 kg. The recovery rate of gold is more than 90%, and the highest is 97.2%. Some foreign cyanide plants mine Or company Canada Agnico Iger (AgnicoEagle, 1980) Ghana Shanti (Ashanti, 1976) South Africa Lovelands (Elandsrand, 1980) Delamar, USA (1979) Colombia Frontino (1975) Ore characteristics Disseminated pyrite pyrrhotite Gold-bearing quartz sulphide ore Ore vein Rhyolite Quartz vein sulfide Mining method Underground mining Underground mining Open pit mining Underground mining Processing ore ability ∕t·d -1 1090 3175 6000 2000 600 Ore grade ∕ g·t -1 Au6.52 Au14.7 Au5.78 Au0.7, Ag161 Au6.5, Ag18 Bond work index twenty one twenty four 12.8 Variety 12 ± Grinding power consumption ∕ kWh·t -1 25.1 11~23 20 Other power consumption∕ kWh·t -1 32.7 16.5 twenty two Water consumption∕ L·t -1 1960 2253 800 355 Stirring cyanide Time ∕h 48 44 72 Mineral slurry Sodium cyanide ∕% 0.15 0.03 0.1 0.05~0.055 Pulp pH 11.5 11 10.5 Sodium cyanide consumption ∕kg·t -1 0.63 0.5 1.0 Operating rate ∕% 90 95 67.9 92 75 Work efficiency Work class 267 11.7 103 10.5 Tailings treatment Discharge into tailings dam Pumping tailings dam Self-flowing tailings dam Into the sedimentation tank, Liquid return Discharged into the river Plant selection Plant structure Zinc-plated plate structure RC Steel frame Prefabricated steel frame Steel-wood structure, Galvanized sheet roof Total number of employees 190 7759 (including mining) 135 Production cost∕ USD·t -1 5.62 4.33 5.40 6.40 3.2 product Gold ingot Gold ingot (including silver ) Gold ingot (including bismuth ) Qualifying gold Qualifying gold Gold recovery rate ∕% 91 95.2 Au92, Ag85 Au85~90, Ag75 (continued in the table) Mine or company Houston, United States (Houston·1980) Australia Yatefer (Telfer, 1980) Dominica Pueblo (1977) Spain Cerro Colorado (1978) United States Atlanta (Ailanta, 1980) Gooseberry, United States (1980) Ore characteristics Metamorphic schist Quartzite Limonite Laterite mine Gold-bearing iron cap Quartz conglomerate Gold veins Sulfide Mining method Open pit mining Open pit mining Open pit mining Open pit mining Open pit mining Stratified filling Processing ore ability ∕t·d -1 540~630 1500 7260 4800 450 317 Ore grade ∕g·t -1 Au2.7, Ag1.03 Au6.2 to 9.3 Au4.48, Ag20.57 Au2.4, Ag44 Au3.4, Ag58.3 Au6.5, Ag257 Bond index 9.5 9.9 8.95 15 9.15 Grinding power consumption kWh·t -1 7.4 5.94 14.75 29.75 28.5 Other power consumption∕ kWh·t -1 20.3 10.16 11.8 31.2 24.8 Water Consumption ∕L·t -1 1000 3050 (including return water) 750 1040 997 Stirring cyanide Time ∕h 48 twenty one 16 twenty one twenty four 48 Mineral slurry Sodium cyanide ∕% 0.04 0.12 0.025 0.08 0.15 Pulp pH 10.5 12.1 12.5 11.6 Sodium cyanide Consumption ∕ Kg·t -1 0.3 0.66 0.6 0.73 0.678 Operating rate ∕% 95 92 73 95 91 94 Work efficiency Work class 12 166 55 (including mining) twenty three 22.7 Tailings treatment Self inflow Tailings dam Pump delivery Tailings dam Dump into tailings dam Tailings dam Tailings dam Within the fence Plant structure Prefab Reinforced dam Steel structure, Corrugated galvanized sheet roof Steel asbestos tile, leaching Concentrated in the open air Steel-wood structure Steel structure Total number of employees 49 36 750 75 40 98 Production cost∕ USD·t -1 7.2 2.8 17 product Gold and silver deposit Gold ingot (including silver) Qualifying gold Qualifying gold Gold and silver deposit Gold recovery rate ∕% 98 Au91.57, Ag77.3 Au90, Ag30 Au81, Ag26 Au97.2, Ag95.8 (cyanide) Basic Orange dyes, Cationic orange China Manufacturer for acrylic dyeing, inks and paper, Basic orange 2 for paper, also liquid dyes are available Basic Orange dyes supplier, Cationic orange China Manufacturer for acrylic dyeing, inks and paper, Basic orange 2 etc. NINGBO YUNCAI CHEMICAL CO.,LIMITED ,