There are various kinds of varieties in Chinese medicine machinery. How Chinese herbal medicines can be turned into pellets in pharmacies. During the production and processing of Chinese herbal medicines, a series of mechanical equipments are needed, like the washing machine and the fried medicine mentioned before. Machines such as machines are used in the cleaning process of Chinese herbal medicines, and the Chinese herbal powder mills like the swing granulator and the high-efficiency shredding machine and today are used for processing and synthesis. The following are some of the principles and scope of application of the Chinese herbal medicine grinder. Glow In The Dark Pigments, Luminescent Pigment Powder, Phosphorescent Pigments, Fluorescent Glow Pigments Kolortek Co., Ltd. ,
Chinese herbal medicine grinders are used in pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other industries. With air-cooled, no screen, and other properties, it is not subject to material viscosity, hardness and fiber restrictions, can play a good crushing effect on any material. It is especially suitable for crushing Chinese herbal medicines with fibers and materials with certain oiliness. The machine has high work efficiency and simple operation. The fineness of the product is 200 mesh. It is more effective for crushed and easy-bonded, expensive Chinese medicines, which are often difficult to crush. The Chinese medicine crusher is intermittently crushed, and the crushing volume varies from 100g to 500g, so it is very suitable for laboratories in medicine, food, chemical industry, agriculture, research institutes, universities and other multi-industry laboratories, as well as pharmacies, pharmacies, outpatient departments and even Family, etc.
The Chinese herbal medicine grinder consists of a hopper, a grading wheel, a smashing blade, a ring gear, a smashing motor, a discharge port, a fan blade, a collection box, and a dust suction box. The material is fed into the crushing chamber through a hopper and passes through a blade rotating at a high speed. Grinding, adjusting the distance between the grading wheel and the sizing plate to achieve the required material fineness, the high-speed rotating blade leads the required material from the smashing chamber to the collecting box cloth bag, and the material that does not meet the requirements continues in the smashing room. In the comminution, the dust generated by the collecting box bag is collected by the dust collection box. The machine is designed according to high standards and the structure is simple. The operation is easy to clean, the noise is small, and the output is high. The machine is made of stainless steel and there is no dust flying during the crushing process.