Physical examination car features and advantages introduced

Certainly, no professional vehicle can be like a physical examination vehicle , sending health to areas where medical conditions are scarce, and quickly dispatch rescues to disaster areas where medical assistance is difficult. The merits of the physical examination vehicle in routine medical examinations and emergency rescue have earned it a reputation.


First, the functional definition of the physical examination vehicle . It is a special vehicle for the medical service industry that can meet a number of medical services such as mobile medical examinations. Most of them are medically modified for large buses. Although the car contains a small space, but medical functions are complete. Its mobile services are widely used for home visits, medical treatment and distribution in the emergency aid team.

Second, the physical properties of the physical examination vehicle classification. You go to the physical examination car application properties will be divided into ordinary general physical examination car, dr physical examination car and women's special examination car.


Third, medical examination of the medical examination function. For the general type of physical examination, the inspection items may include a plurality of items such as electrocardiography, B-mode ultrasonography, and x-ray, and a bed for rest examination. Can carry out the mobile inquiry, the collection of the health data, and real-time monitoring of the storage of relevant data. The pre-sampling and subsequent inspection of blood tests and urine tests can also be performed. If it is equipped with gynecological examination equipment, the general physical examination car can be changed to a women's medical examination vehicle. Or dr equipment will be general physical examination car into dr inspection vehicles.

Fourth, the medical advantage of medical vehicles. Compared with the regular medical check-ups, the mobile service provided by the physical examination vehicle has greatly assisted the public in the improvement of the physical examination. In particular, in some remote rural areas where medical services are primitive, physical examination vehicles have sent related assistance to the public in a timely manner. At the same time, it can also be widely used as a tool for health education and medical knowledge promotion. It is also used as a warning for early warning of the prevention of epidemics by regional groups.

After reviewing the relevant functions and advantages of the physical examination vehicle, it is not difficult to find that the medical examination vehicle as a medical professional vehicle has truly opened up new ideas for the expansion of service models for the medical service industry. It is also hoped that medical practitioners will develop more service models like physical examination vehicles and help enhance the health care business in China.

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