GTT cargo containment system new technology won DNV certification

GTT's Mark III cargo containment system has been continuously improved to reduce the cargo evasion rate (BOR) of LNG carriers by one-third. The Norwegian Classification Society (DNV) has also become the first classification society to certify the new GTT Mark III FLEX.

It is reported that Mark III is a long-term research and development system of GTT. The current research and development has been able to reduce the daily evaporation rate of goods from 0.15% to 0.10%. The industry-built LNG carrier has a daily cargo evaporation rate of 0.15% and is used for onboard gas fuel. The Mark III FLEX system is designed to increase efficiency and change the way LNG carriers operate.

Taking the current standard LNG carrier design as an example, its cargo capacity is 160,000-170,000 cubic meters, and the evaporation rate of 0.15% per day is equivalent to 85 cubic meters or 36 tons.

This improvement has increased the insulation thickness of the enclosure from 270mm to 400mm. Variations in thickness can affect the design of system components that penetrate insulation, such as pump tower support and dome cover.

GTT has extensively certified the new system to ensure that safety and reliability levels are equal or exceed traditional Mark III systems. In June 2011, the principle approval (AiP) issued by DNV was obtained. In mid-September this year, the DNV Marine General Approval (GASA) was obtained, meaning that it can be used on board.

To date, 27 new ships have been ordered by the Korean shipyard for the new Mark III FLEX system, of which 20 are classified as DNV.

It is also known that GTT's other LNG containment system, NO 96, is also intensifying its research and development to meet similar evaporation rate requirements, and similar DNV-related certifications are being carried out.

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