Smelting and refining oil refinement is an ingenious way to bridge the gap between the catalyst and the gas separation unit. It optimizes the energy disbursement of the two devices, and fully outputs a large amount of low-temperature heat from the catalyst device to the gas separation device, thereby greatly reducing the energy consumption of the device and saving it annually. Steam 14,700 tons, catalytic device and air separation unit energy consumption decreased by 0.86 kg standard oil / ton and 3.73 kg standard oil / ton.
As the first energy-consuming large-scale catalytic cracking (refinement) device of a refinery process device, the temperature is high, and a large amount of low-temperature heat can be output; the gas fractionation (abbreviated as gas separation) device has a low temperature and needs to supply heat from the outside. Very good low temperature heat sink. In the past, the amount of heat used by each tower bottom reboiler of a refinery gas separation unit was the amount of heat taken by the hot water system autocatalytic device. However, due to the low temperature of the substream hot water supply, it is required to reach the outside of the hot water system every hour. Add 1.87 tons of steam heat, resulting in increased steam consumption.
In order to maximize the complementary advantages of the two devices, the refining system implements the energy optimization and transformation of the system, and the optimization of matching is achieved through the thermal integration of the two sets of catalysts and gas separations, and the remaining thermal energy of the catalytic fractionation tower is recovered as much as possible so that the gas separation device is fully equipped. Use catalytic device heat source to reduce steam consumption. Through the adjustment of some processes, the operation scheme was improved and optimized accordingly. The medium and low-temperature heat sources of the catalytic device were fully utilized. The temperature of the bottom of the tower was optimized and the temperature of the circulating hot water was increased. The heat source of the analytical tower and the heat source of gas division were solved. Insufficient problems have minimized the consumption of steam, achieved the progressive use of energy and multiple uses, and the effect of energy saving and consumption reduction is very significant. In the hot water system, the amount of heat taken by the catalytic device increases by 12,000 MJ per hour. The temperature of the hot water after the catalytic heat exchange is significantly increased by 2 to 3° C. In addition to the winter heating period, there is basically no need to add steam to the hot water system. Annual savings of 1.0Mpa steam 14,700 tons.
In addition, the Department of Refining will also catalyze the introduction of steam drum drainage into the hot water system, which not only increases the hot water temperature by 3°C, but also introduces 3 tons of low-temperature hot water per hour into the air-cooling system. Next, about 26,000 tons of softened water can be saved each year.