Analysis of Influencing Factors on Wet Yield of Azolla Azolla nitrogen directly from the air, into amino acids and proteins, and the growth and reproduction rate is high, photosynthetic release of O2 ability, rich in nutritive value, with high edible biomass and reasonable nutrients. In addition, red ducklings can be cultivated in multi-layer moist culture, and the green area of ​​the unit space is large. It is expected that in the space CELSS system, O2 and fresh vegetables can be provided, and CO2 can be absorbed. This article mainly studies the factors related to the wet yield of A. roxburghii. Which needs the use of small weather stations to monitor the growth environment of Azolla. Aquatic wet production should include both biological and photosynthetic yields. The artificial light source's electrical energy is converted into light energy, which is then provided to the photosynthesis of A. philoxeroides so as to convert the light energy into A. philoxeroides biomass production. In the process of photosynthesis, A. philoxeroides obtains a photosynthetic yield by absorbing CO2 and releasing O2. Among them, the light intensity is the link between the yield and energy consumption of Azolla. In theory, the light intensity is low, the photosynthesis efficiency of plants is reduced, and the yield is reduced. The light intensity change data displayed by the handheld weather station can accurately reflect this. There was a positive correlation between the number of different species of red apple root penetrating the wet medium and the biological production of the corresponding species, the amount of O2 released and the amount of CO2 absorbed. This is mainly due to the fact that the number of red pods rooted reflects the growth status of Azolla, with more roots and more sufficient nutrient absorption. The biological production and photosynthetic yield of wet red seedlings will also increase. Under the same conditions of wet and low light, different varieties of red pods take root in different numbers. The difference is obvious. This mainly depends on the red grove strain itself. Silicone Baby Bowl,Suction Cup Bowl,Weaning Suction Bowls,Silicone Weaning Bowl Hubei Daxin Electronic Technology Co., LTD ,